Hvis du er barn og ny i Thy, vil vi gerne invitere (dig og dine forældre) til en hyggelig formiddag, hvor vi leger med sproget, ord og billeder.
Du behøver ikke at kunne dansk for at være med, for bibliotekets fællesskab er for alle!
Vi leger med ord og billeder i samarbejde med Pædagoguddannelsen fra UCN.
Så tag din mor, far, farmor, ven eller dig selv under armen – og få en hyggelig dag med os!
If you are a child and just have arrived in Thy, we would like to invite you (and your parents) to a nice couple of hours, where we are going to have fun with some games.
It is not necassary to know the danish language, the library is for everyone, and the games we are going to play are with pictures, and just a few words.
We have fun with words and pictures in cooperation with UCN – a school for people who wants to work with children i daycare, kindergarden and schools.
So bring your mother, father, grandmother, friend or yourself – and have a fun day with us!
We are looking forward to meeting you